The formal inauguration of the Women's Cell was held on 23rd January 2010. Prior to this, publicity material was developed for the Cell in the form of bi-lingual posters announcing the constitution of the Cell, its purpose, mode of approaching the members and confidentiality of the
complaint. Another flier with the slogan: Women at Work: Protest Not Fear was prepared for
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the benefit of all members. A special e-mail account womencell@sietk.ac.in was created to
encourage women to complain to the cell. The inauguration had a keynote address on 'Gender
Relations at Work Place' followed by a speeches by the committee members. The ceremony
was well attended by faculty, employees, staff and students of SIETK.
A Complaints Committee was constituted with three members of the Cell and representative to
scrutinize complaints received by the Cell before putting it for discussion to all the members of
the Cell. To begin with, it was decided that a workshop he held for the non-teaching staff
members and their supervisors to evolve proactive measures towards building a 'healthy,
congenial environment' suitable to a modern work-place.
Along with students and staff, the Women's Cell celebrated International Women's Day on
March 8, 2011 with the Chief Guest's Speech on "Role of Women in Engineering" followed
by a dance program. In the meanwhile the Cell received two complaints from one woman
employee and one staff respectively. However, a closer scrutiny and talk with the complainant
revealed that the nature of the problems were not related to sexual harassment or gender
discrimination and hence did not fall within the purview of the Women's Cell. Such decisions
were conveyed to the complainants.